The point of it all—is to be with jesus. Jesus calls His disciples to follow him. 

As we do, we experience in community his presence in all of life.  By his presence, Jesus — the creative Word of God — forms and reforms us in his image. We believe this is the life for which we are created. It is the best way to live.

We believe Jesus is the creative Word of God, with God from the beginning. Of same substance and being of the Father. We believe Jesus is the perfect revelation of The Father — who is a God of love — which means he is compassionate, kind, merciful, patient, and Good.

We believe Jesus was a historical man who was born of a virgin, lived in the Ancient Near East, died the cruel death of crucifixion, was raised three days later, appeared to many, and ascended to be with the Father.

We believe Jesus died on the cross to provide the context and opportunity for all people everywhere to be cleansed of their sins, released from the dominion of sin, and to experience the kind of life for which we were made.

We believe Jesus sent his Spirit to guide us into all truth, to bind us together in unity, and to empower us for the work of discipleship.

We believe Jesus will come again to realise the fullness of his kingdom (which will never end).

We are a member of the NSW/ACT Baptist Association and support their beliefs.


We want to see whole people living changed lives through Following Jesus; Encountering God; Overflowing with life.


Belief is confidence to act. It is far more than mere mental ascent to doctrinal statements (though it involves that). True belief involves action. You know you believe something when you are ready to act on it.



Something is good if it is beneficial. On reflection, it will always result in gratefulness and praise.


God is Good. We have one God who is revealed perfectly in three persons. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. The Trinity – as this has come to be known – live in perfect community with and for each other. There is no authority structure in the Trinity as they each point to and actively work for the good of the other.

The ancient Greeks used a word to describe their relationship as an ongoing dance. Through a relationship with the Father through the Son and by the Spirit, we are invited to participate in this dance.

The Father — slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. Defined most fully in one word — Love. Shown most profoundly as the waiting, running, embracing, and unrestrained loving Father of the Prodigal.

The Son — the image of the unseen God, in and through everything, holding all things together. Took on the nature of humanity. Defined most fully in one word — Servant. Seen in the undying power of the cross.

The Spirit — the most intimately personal expression of God. Defined most fully in one word — Power. Like the wind, unseen, but affecting everything.

Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is where what God wants done is done. It is the realm of God’s effective rule. Jesus will eventually bring all things and all people – who choose – to live in the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God has always been, is present, and has an unending future.


People are made in the image of God (regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, wealth, education, or body type). When God created people the words used to describe them was ‘very good’. People are souls made up of their heart, mind, body, and relationships. God is in the business of restoring souls.


We have a Good God who gives Good News about Good life. The News is that because of the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, this life is available to you right now where you are and as you are.

The Bible

These 66 books were compiled over millennia and written amongst others by ancient sheep herders, storytellers, poets, Kings, fishermen, a doctor, and even the brother of Jesus. We believe these writings were inspired by the Holy Spirit and hold supreme authority within the teaching of Church. That being said, we want to be clear that our supreme confidence is placed in the God the Bible points to, not the words of the Bible themselves.


Faith is the knowledge of God shaping all of life. Contrary to popular belief, faith is not opposed to knowledge. The Bible tells us it is opposed to sight (it is being sure of what is not seen) but it is built irrevocably on the knowledge of God.


Knowledge is interactive relationship. It may begin with the awareness of a concept. It will grow to the understanding of a concept. In its fullness it involves interactive relationship. This world needs people of knowledge.


Hope is the confident expectation of Good (see above). Hope in God will never disappoint.


Love is the active working for the Good of another. God is love. Through Jesus and by the Spirit, God is eternally working for the Good of all things.


Wholeness. The Hebrew word is shalom. It represents a whole relationship between people and God, themselves, each other, and creation. Shalom is made available through the cross.


God acting in life to achieve the things you cannot do on your own. There is an infinite amount of grace available to you. While you cannot earn more grace, as you participate in the life of God you will create space for grace.


All of life lived with God. You have been delivered from the old (dying) way of living and through being reconciled with God you can experience the new (undying) way of living.


The full realisation of life in the Kingdom of God. Open for all those who can stand it.


Intentional thoughts, words, or actions that break peace.


The power of living within the chosen Kingdom of Self.


The full realisation of life in the kingdom of self — sin. God’s best for those who don’t choose him.


A community of disciples. ‘The Church is for disciples, disciples are for the world’.


Consists of being shaped to listen, learn, love, and let go in the way of Jesus. (At Northside, as a result of our confidence in the Bible, and particularly following the pattern of Jesus and Paul, we empower and equip people towards leadership at all levels according to calling, not gender.).


At Northside, because of what we believe, we value Openness in the way of Jesus.


We choose to have openness in the way of Jesus through how we listen — primarily to God, to each other, and in the way of Jesus, to the ‘other’ (those we don’t understand or don’t agree with). To do this, we need time and space with Scripture, creation, and community.


We choose to have openness in the way of Jesus through how we learn — rather than people who know what to think, we desire to be shaped by Jesus in the way we think. We will pursue both our beliefs and our doubts as we curiously consider important questions in life.


We choose to have openness in the way of Jesus through how we love. Our desire is that our experience of God’s love will profoundly shape the way we in turn love God and each other. In this, we see the importance of the practise of communal worship through praying, singing, and serving.


We choose to have openness in the way of Jesus through how we let go. Our ultimate confidence is in who God is and what God does — as perfectly revealed in Jesus. We will approach God with confidence as we give over our desire to systematise and therefore control God. We will approach each other with confidence as we let go of systems and of power and agendas of control. We will approach creation with confidence as we give over our desire to own and rule it.



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We acknowledge and respect the Cammeraygal people, the original owners, custodians, and stewards of the land Northside is on.

Bank Details: Northside Baptist, BSB 704-922, Acc 100015848

We acknowledge and respect the Cammeraygal people,
the original owners, custodians, and stewards of the land Northside is on.